Science fiction roleplaying games have become more popular than ever online, so with a little help from our friends we've put together this page with some interesting links to help you investigate. The rules for SPI's venerable sf rpg Universe may have been out of print for two decades, but with the internet and a few devoted fans, that suddenly is not a problem. Jim Goltz in particular has made a fine site at which to start your investigations - but see our links over on the right!
This isn't a definitive selection of links, but hopefully it is enough to get you started. Note the "web dice" page - never again will you have to wander into a hobby store and plunk down cash for strange-shaped dice. And of course you can come and discuss this subject over at our Ezboard Science Fiction forum, in the "Role-Playing and Other Games" section - we will gladly add more links here if you tip us off about some good places. But here's Malina, one of the participants in the "Terran Fringe" Universe campaign, where she's known as Saylor, with a few words on the attractions of this sort of thing:
"Try it, you might like it." Oh, does my husband regret those words. He is the one that introduced me to this new love. Now I worry that he actually gets a bit jealous as he heads off to bed and I stay up late, eagerly awaiting word from the new men in my life.
These new men - my fellow gamers - are great. Knowing that I'm new to all this, they are patient and helpful, offering suggestions and advice as needed. I ask a lot of questions, and they grin - at least I think it sounds like a grin via email - and do their best to answer.
I can't believe that I am just now learning about role-playing games. I'm a Theatre Major, for crying out loud! I love to role-play! I love to create scripts! I love character development and interaction. I've only been playing since April, but now, I LOVE RPG!
One thing that I believe attracts people - or at least my group of new friends - to RPG is that it is as diverse as the people playing. We had plot twists and danger and excitement, and that was just trying to load on the ship! Since then, we have had encounters with unpredictable weather, a charging man bent on terror - aptly named "Bull" - and a deadly virus that has already sent one of our poor crew members to the cryogenics tank. Never a dull moment in the Universe.
So, my advice to you? "Try it, you might like it."

A great list of "Homebrewed Adventures" for a variety of different SF RPG systems |
An amazing historical list of nearly every RPG out there to include spacecraft |
One of many Traveller sites on the web with a good history of the game and decent links to more sites
These folks appear to be making new Traveller game aids and adventures
Star Frontiers was TSR (the Dungeons & Dragons people)'s entry into the outer space RPG world
Gamma World was TSR's classic Post-Apocolyptic science fantasy game |
Now that's what I call a Random Link... |
all sorts of great information about Universe, and online programs to use with it |
an online Universe campaign game-mastered by Jim Goltz |
a very active general discussion group for Universe |
an online Universe campaign run by Ljim2000, our informant on these activities... |
a great place to list Play by E-mail games that you are running, or join one in progress |

Science fiction roleplaying games have become more popular than ever online, so with a little help from our friends we've put together this page with some interesting links to help you investigate. The rules for SPI's venerable sf rpg Universe may have been out of print for two decades, but with the internet and a few devoted fans, that suddenly is not a problem. Jim Goltz in particular has made a fine site at which to start your investigations - but see our links over on the right!
This isn't a definitive selection of links, but hopefully it is enough to get you started. Note the "web dice" page - never again will you have to wander into a hobby store and plunk down cash for strange-shaped dice. And of course you can come and discuss this subject over at our Ezboard Science Fiction forum, in the "Role-Playing and Other Games" section - we will gladly add more links here if you tip us off about some good places. But here's Malina, one of the participants in the "Terran Fringe" Universe campaign, where she's known as Saylor, with a few words on the attractions of this sort of thing:
"Try it, you might like it." Oh, does my husband regret those words. He is the one that introduced me to this new love. Now I worry that he actually gets a bit jealous as he heads off to bed and I stay up late, eagerly awaiting word from the new men in my life.
These new men - my fellow gamers - are great. Knowing that I'm new to all this, they are patient and helpful, offering suggestions and advice as needed. I ask a lot of questions, and they grin - at least I think it sounds like a grin via email - and do their best to answer.
I can't believe that I am just now learning about role-playing games. I'm a Theatre Major, for crying out loud! I love to role-play! I love to create scripts! I love character development and interaction. I've only been playing since April, but now, I LOVE RPG!
One thing that I believe attracts people - or at least my group of new friends - to RPG is that it is as diverse as the people playing. We had plot twists and danger and excitement, and that was just trying to load on the ship! Since then, we have had encounters with unpredictable weather, a charging man bent on terror - aptly named "Bull" - and a deadly virus that has already sent one of our poor crew members to the cryogenics tank. Never a dull moment in the Universe.
So, my advice to you? "Try it, you might like it."
